Thursday, February 7, 2008

On the Road to Discovery

I've been slacking on the posts the last few weeks due to my recent endeavorer to apply for graduate school. Here's a recent piece I did, "On the Road to Discovery." See you soon... I promise.


Alejandro cardona said...

Hey just cause you haven't given us some posts doesn't mean you have to hit us with the rudeness on the top left corner. What is the boy doing to the dog?? haha.. Looks good nice contrast, and detail in the moon's face. Has that children's book quality.. keep up the good work sweet titts.

Anonymous said...

awesome dude.. it is poppin.

Michael Byers said...

I love it. NIce work. Graduate school eh? Congrats. Best wishes. Take care.

Alejandro cardona said...

hey i didn't know taco bell had graduate school"? haha

Anonymous said...

Graduate school? WHERE? I love the face on the moon. He looks so wise. How you look when you are trying to think of a smartass comment.

Alejandro cardona said...

i think oleg has transformed in to the moon

Kyri Kyprianou said...

Nice work! I do like this piece a lot..

Chase Carr-Braint said...

yo beautiful!